小学生学习困难和工作记忆缺陷的关系 ——以印度尼西亚雅加达为例外文翻译资料

 2023-01-04 10:08:06



原文作者 Wiguna Tjhin

























2011年,WMRS用印度尼西亚语进行了验证。cut off值是根据T-score确定的,分为2类;(1)6-9岁儿童(敏感性=0.161,speficity=0.674), 10-12岁儿童(敏感性=0.186,speficity=0.929)。T评分gt;60显示中度工作记忆缺陷,T评分gt;70显示严重的工作记忆缺失。这位教师被要求填写印尼版的《WMRS》。Cronbachs alpha值为0.959,得分为20。项目之间的相关性为0.189到0.777。采用Wilcoxon-rank测试的测试复测信度测试表明第一个月和第三个月的WMRS评估没有显著性差异(p=0.950)。我们还获得了学生和家长的人口数据。




在病例对照研究中,病例与对照组在年龄或性别上没有显著差异。病例组年龄在7-14岁之间,对照组年龄在6-13岁之间。在案例与对照组中,wmr的平均值有显著的差异,在学习困难的儿童中,工作记忆缺陷的几率比为7.0(2=35.96;p lt; 0.001)。因此,与没有工作记忆缺陷的孩子相比,有工作记忆缺陷的孩子在学习上有困难的风险是孩子的7倍。








外文文献出处: Learning Difficulties and Working Memory Deficits among Primary School Students in Jakarta, Indonesia.[J]. Wiguna Tjhin,Setyawati Wr Noorhana,Kaligis Fransiska,Belfer Myron L. Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience. 2013(2)


Learning Difficulties and Working Memory Deficits among Primary School Students in Jakarta, Indonesia

原文作者 Wiguna Tjhin

专业 小学教育 学生姓名 姚颜秀

指导老师姓名:张 羽



There are multiple possible etiologies for learning difficulties in children. There is growing evidence that many students identified as having learning difficulties have significant working memory deficits. To determine, in a sample of primary school students in Jakarta, Indonesia, the prevalence of learning difficulties and learning difficulties co-morbid with working memory deficits.


Subjects (N=423) were recruited via proportional random sampling from 27 primary schools. The first stage was a cross-sectional study of these students, while the second stage was a case-control study comparing all students with learning difficulties and working memory deficits with controls matched by school type, grade level, and gender.


Among the students, whose mean age was 9.34 years (1.78), 13.7% had a learning difficulty, while 8.04% had a learning difficulty with working memory deficit. The odds ratio of comorbid working memory deficit (in the face of a learning difficulty) was 7.0 (chi;2= 35.96, plt;0.001).


Learning difficulties and comorbid working memory deficits were relativel


外文文献出处: Learning Difficulties and Working Memory Deficits among Primary School Students in Jakarta, Indonesia.[J]. Wiguna Tjhin,Setyawati Wr Noorhana,Kaligis Fransiska,Belfer Myron L. Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience. 2013(2)

Learning Difficulties and Working Memory Deficits among Primary School Students in Jakarta, Indonesia

原文作者 Wiguna Tjhin



There are multiple possible etiologies for learning difficulties in children. There is growing evidence that many students identified as having learning difficulties have significant working memory deficits. To determine, in a sample of primary school students in Jakarta, Indonesia, the prevalence of learning difficulties and learning difficulties co-morbid with working memory deficits.


Subjects (N=423) were recruited via proportional random sampling from 27 primary schools. The first stage was a cross-sectional study of these students, while the second stage was a case-control study comparing all students with learning difficulties and working memory deficits with controls matched by school type, grade level, and gender.


Among the students, whose mean age was 9.34 years (1.78), 13.7% had a learning difficulty, while 8.04% had a learning difficulty with working memory deficit. The odds ratio of comorbid working memory deficit (in the face of a learning difficulty) was 7.0 (chi;2= 35.96, plt;0.001).


Learning difficulties and comorbid working memory deficits were relatively common among primary school students. Efforts should be made to identify these students and provide timely assistance, in order to optimize their educational success and mental health outcomes.

Keywords: Learning difficulties, Working memory, Primary school, Student


Multiple brain processes are involved in learning, such that disruptions in any one process may result in a learning difficulty.1,2) Mental health professionals are often involved in caring for children and adolescents with learning difficulties, given the significant impact that these conditions have on academic achievement, self-esteem, and overall functioning. While there appear to be differences (across countries) in the prevalence rates of learning difficulties, these conditions are among the most prevalent of mental health problems in children. For example, in the United States of America, the prevalence rate of all learning difficulties among school-age children is approximately 6-10%.3) Unfortunately, there is no valid data on learning difficulty prevalence in Indonesia, one of the most populous nations in the world.

Learning diffculties are defined as a significant discrepancy-not otherwise explained by physical or sensory impairments-between the childs intellectual functioning and academic performance.3-6) While several studies have identified genetic factors, sensorimotor system integration impairments, and prematurity as risk factors for learning disorders, there is no single known cause.

Recent studies have focused on the role of working memory in learning difficulties.6-8) These studies have found that (1) working memory is an important predictor of learning ability, and (2) working memory assessment can be helpful in determining learning capability; perhaps more so than the intelligence quotient (IQ) scores, which only indicate intelligence level.8,9)

Working memory is the ability to store and manipulate information within a short time period. It enables one to pay attention, remember, and act according to immediately received information. In contrast to short term memory, working memory requires information storing and processing ability, while short term memory only requires information retention. Working memory is an important component of executive functioning and is believed to be fundamental to problem solving.10) Thus, working memory is essential to the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Anatomically, working memory is regulated by the frontal lobe.8,9)

Working memory is essential to optimal completion of classroom activities, including those that require memorization of instructions and those that require information processing and endurance.8-10) Children with working memory deficit may have poor attention and easy distractibility (not necessarily with hyperactivity) and low academic performance in relation to their peers.9-11) They are at risk for dropping out of school prematurely and failing to achieve their potential in life.12)

Alloway et al.9) stated that intelligence and memory are two important components of learning. As reviewed, many studies have shown that, at the age of 5 years, working memory may be a better predictor of learning capability in the next 6 years and beyond, than intelligence. Olive13) mentioned that the limitation of working memory affected the ability to read because of the lack ofsynchonization between maintaning and processing information.

Wiguna et al.14) in a pilot study of elementary students at a Child Development and Child Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, identified 28% of the children as having a learning difficulty but did not differentiate whether or not they had any working memory deficit. In a study led by Durham University, 10% of 3,000 children had working memory deficit problems that seriously impacted learning capability.10)

Up to this point, studies on the relationship between intelligence level and academic achievement have not definitively indicated the optimal management of learning difficulties because working memory function has not been considered. For example, during writing, visual working memory plays an important role as it stores the orthographic information of already written words, as an aid to catching spelling, or



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