
 2022-12-06 15:18:38

Settlement system of intelligent restaurant based on machine vision


The invention relates to a settlement system of an intelligent restaurant based on machine vision. The system is formed by a restaurant intelligent settlement device and a background settlement center platform. A tray is placed on a settlement platform of the restaurant intelligent settlement device. A dining bowl is disposed in the tray. A video file capturing and reading device is fixed on the settlement platform above the region where the dining bowl and round discs of different colors are placed. The background settlement center platform extracts an effective image of a key frame through reading a video stream; subjects the effective image of the key frame to noise removal, gray scale transformation, and fuzzy processing; and through image traversal, uses Hough transform and a fuzzy neural network algorithm to identify a piece of tableware with a specific shape and color, so that the total amount of consumption can be calculated according to a preset price of the tableware and a consumer can swipe a card for consumption according to the prompted total amount of consumption displayed by the interface of the background settlement center platform. As the system does not need to do any improvement of current tableware, later improvement and upgrades are very convenient, and the system is highly economical and practical.


Machine vision based intelligent restaurant billing system


[0001] The present invention relates to a fast intelligent billing system restaurant belonging to pattern recognition and image processing technology field.

Background technique

[0002] an existing restaurant or canteen billing system is mainly divided into two types, one is the artificial valuation, one is achieved through self-checkout station.Artificial valuation is based on the price list menu to calculate the total spending of their own. After the calculated self-chip implanted radio frequency (RFID) at the bottom of each of the dishes, cutlery into the clearing zone of the self-checkout station (RF antenna sensing area), through the bottom of the dishes RF chip read and write operations, and communication means of a computer technology, communication and management of tableware bottom RF chip, rapid settlement.Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages settlement. Artificial pricing simple and convenient, more suitable for the size of the restaurant is relatively small flow of people and places, such as small restaurants, convenience stores and so on. Self-checkout system is efficient, fast, applies to universities and other crowded places, but the system needs to be processed for each dish, high cost and ongoing maintenance more difficult.

[0003] After a lot of study based on survey found that the moment a lot of restaurants, canteens based on the type of tableware, shape and color as the basis for settlement fee, the staff may use this as basis for valuation. The study found there is a lot of memory and settlement systems deficiencies, especially at peak periods larger flow of people, artificial pricing is relatively slow, high error rate, customer waiting time is longer, more prominent.

[0004] Most of the campus restaurant now uses artificial pricing. Billing is based on the type and color tableware basis. Taking a restaurant, for example, include the type of cutlery bowl, small bowl, market, small cap. Different colored plates corresponding to different monovalent, total white, three different colors of red and yellow plates, respectively corresponding to the price of a white two yuan, 4 yuan a red, a yellow 5 yuan, bowl 5 yuan a small bowl part 0.6 yuan / person. The restaurant staff may use this as the basis for the selection of teachers and students dining package pricing, credit card. Combined with the actual situation, the study based found that the existing settlement system should be improved in some respects. Outstanding issues listed below: a) When consumers come to dinner, especially during peak hours, due to manual pricing relatively slow time delay caused, making it necessary to wait for a long time; b) Due to limited space, and a larger flow of people, in queuing process also gives teachers and students come to dinner subsequent inconvenience, collision, when spilled food situation has occurred; c) Second, because the price is calculated manually, the situation appears miscalculation error count for calculating the total amount of chance are high.


[0005] For the above-mentioned low settlement efficiency while consuming large human and material resources of the phenomenon, combined with the direction of professional study based on pattern recognition and image processing, based on the proposed settlement cafeteria intelligent video detection and recognition system, without the need for staff the participation, eating simply moves on to the selected packages recognition area, the system can be identified by the total price.Simple, efficient, and useful. Can greatly ease caused by human settlement queuing, congestion and many other issues.

[0006] To achieve the above object, the technical solution of the present invention is: restaurant an intelligent machine vision system based billing, the billing means smart restaurant, office settlement payment device and the composition of the central platform, said settlement means includes a video smart restaurants file Recording and reading apparatus, L-column bracket, billing platform, a billing platform is placed on the tray, and the placement of items, bowl disc tray, the video capture means and reading by the L-shaped bracket post settlement bowl and placed over the internet color disc area for photographing the package content consumers, and transmitted to the settlement center internet background; backg





















[0011]本发明的有益效果是:本发明是一种智能餐厅快速清算系统,主要用于解决基于实时视频内容的问题刀具检测和识别。在本发明中,视频帧图像是如何组合的原则,读的直播视频摄像头,后台程序读取视频,然后提取关键帧,关键帧噪声去除、分级变换,模糊预处理,并进一步通过霍夫变换,遍历关键帧模糊神经网络算法确定刀具在一个特定的形状和颜色。并根据预校准的餐具价格计算后办公结算中心平台所花费的总金额。实验结果表明,本发明能够识别和检测在2 -3秒内完成清除功能。由于没有必要对现有的餐具进行任何改进,以后的升级改造非常方便,经济实惠,实用。






[0015]餐厅智能计费装置1,由视频采集和阅读意味着固定相机卡口1 - 2,L型支架1 - 3列,L 1 - 4柱修复手段,清算平台1 - 5(相机识别区域),托盘1 - 6、1 - 7,白色碗盘1-8-1,1-8-2磁盘红、黄色1-8-3磁盘,光照补偿意味着1 - 9,接插件10布鲁里溃疡,输电线路1 - 11的数据。视频捕捉和阅读是一个集成的模块或工业成像摄像机W。上放置一个托盘平台计费1 - 5 1 - 6、1 - 6被放置在托盘和1 - 7碗颜色的光盘,视频捕捉和阅读意味着固定在l型结算平台列1 - 3 1 - 5碗w和颜色在圆盘区域消费者选择包内容,拍摄和传输到后台结算中心平台。由于外部因素的影响(设计为可调的旋转卡口),可根据实际的应用场景进行调整,从而固定摄像机位置以防止抖动。l型柱支架1-3和摄像机支架。沉降平台Bu 5携带托盘,其大小由相机的垂直距离、范围、托盘尺寸等因素决定;支付方式和后台结算中心平台,支付方式为特殊的笔刷面板,消费者可根据总消费账单中心界面显示提示信用卡消费。

[0016]视频采集装置也配备了照明和阅读补偿手段9步,Bu照明补偿方式9来补偿LED环光。光照补偿意味着i - 9,考虑到噪声在视频拍摄照明因素由于摄像头是安装在底部通过二级透镜已经开发了可控LED环形光补偿,也称为环形光管,LED灯补偿荧光灯光源使用LED作为发光材料。LED灯有许多优点,亮度高:LED光谱几乎全部集中在可见光波段上,效率可达80% ~90%,LM)可达到至少500lm / W可见光效率的理论极限,能源效率;高纯度,LED窄光谱,非常纯净的光发射能有效排除由于LED光源本身带来的噪声;许多变化:改变色温可以适应各种应用的需要,除了长寿命、小尺寸等。它可以满足不同的环境对相机照明的补偿,实时视频可以获得更高的质量,对于后期处理如视频的关键提取,图像的分级处理,二值化具有非常重要的意义;由于光源对噪声的影响,可以有效减小小波的影响,提高检测效率,在很大程度上可以达到98.9%以上的识别率;1-5消费者识别托盘放电区域沉降平台,工业相机1-1启动视频拍摄,由于拍摄视频质量劣化的因素降低后处理问题的准确性,可通过环形补偿调光LED灯来改善拍摄效果。旋转固定卡口座1 - 2主要是为了适应不同的环境设计为不同的消费情况,不同年龄的消费者团体,他们放置的位置会改变,面对这种情况,通过调整相机的方向1 - 1工业计算平台从而提高识别区域,为了实现高效的识别。捕获的视频数据传输线通过传输到中央办公结算处理平台。餐厅托盘1-6的目标识别,1-7碗。1-7,碗,包括磁盘和碗。其中,光盘包括光盘Shu -8-3黄色,一个红色的光盘Bu 8_2,一个白色的1_8_一个磁盘,一个杯子。


[0018]背景计费中心平台如图2所示,结算平台包括一个显示2 - 1、2 - 2视频显示、视频输入窗口2-2-1,2-2-2视频提示窗口,显示所选择的详细的餐2 - 3,智能图像显示2-3-1,2-3-2提示选举用餐细节,消费细节区2 - 4、2 - 5措施区,结算面积2 - 6、2 - 7日支架,解决网络调整按钮2 - 8,基础结构2 - 9,2 - 10防滑装置,一个圆柱形的吸盘固定,意味着2-11,2-12-1的摄像头连接线,供电线2 -12-2。

[0019]结算平台监控2-1,促使智能餐厅欢迎结算系统,由液晶显示屏显示。视频显示2-2,位于显示位置2_1清理平台左下角,包括视频和视频输入窗口2-2- Shu 2-2-2提示窗口,可以实时显示托盘内容。选择从2 - 3顿饭视频显示器的细节是正确的位置2,2-3-1智能显示包含一个图像,其中显示内容是基于视频的关键帧提取算法,多元化的困惑和决策的关键帧提取最高的质量,最好的反映图像对应的视频内容,建议消费者可能会提示详细的屏幕,看看2-3-2是否与正餐的实际内容一致,或者是反馈按钮2 -15反馈。消费者视频显示列表区域位于2-4位2-2的位置,将会是一种菜品,刀具根据显示的食品中所包含的食物中所包含的内容详细显示2_3的内容,并在同一时间和地点显示计费结算时间;总消费是根据消费细节区2-4消费总量计算的。结算区2-6 2-4区位于消费者详细信息的位置下方,以支持信用卡支付,包括磁餐厅提供统一的校园卡使用。2-7中间支撑框架平台设计计费调整按钮2-8,通过清理此按钮调整平台角度,体现人性化设计。2-9底部的防滑底结构是2-10,使用柱形吸盘固定方式2-11,通过在圆柱形孔内排出空气,底部可以固定在载体平台上。线连接2-12由3根导线组成2-12-1数据传输线,用于传输数据,电源线路2-12-2,VGA电缆可以扩展显示2-12-3。
















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