
 2022-11-19 17:05:56


2011 Eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD)

An Approach of Color Feature Evaluation in Color


Qi Xiaoxuan, Ji Jianwei

School of Information amp; Electric Engineerin

Shenyang Agriculture University

Shenyang, China

Abstract—This paper analyzes the characteristics of five commonly used color spaces and explores their influences on color recognition respectively. Divisibility evaluation based on distance criterion is utilized to evaluate the different colorfeatures in each color space and experimental results show that HSI color space has the best divisibility performance. Keywords-color space;colorrecognition; feature evalutation; divisibility critiron


Color is the most intuitive vision feature to describe colorful images. It has been widely used in pattern recognition for the reason that color feature is almost free from the effects of scale, rotation and translation for the input images [1]. Colors in colorful images can be defined by different color space models, such as RGB space, CMY space, I1I2I3space, YUV space and HSI space. Among the above color spaces, RGB is the basic and the most common one and can readily be mapped into other color spaces. However, RGB space is non-uniform for

color perception and is too easily influenced by light. The three color components of RGB space are correlated with each other [2]. CMY space represents colors by the complementary component of RGB components. YUV space, frequently used in color TV systems, uses three channels as Y, U and V to define the pixel. Y are the brightness information, U and V are the color difference which denotes the overall color difference instead of the difference between the three components of RGB. HSI space is a uniform one which consists to the human perception of colors. Its three components are mutually independent and can perceive color change of each component respectively. But non-linear transform in HSI space may lead substantial computation as well as singularity of the color space when the saturation is low. While in YCbCr color space, the chrominance component and the luminance component are interdependent. Besides that, the conversion from YCbCr space to RGB space is linear and simple, so YCbCr space is commonly used in the field of video encoding compression. YUV space, YCbCr space and HSI space all represent spectrum in two dimension and use the third dimension to represent the intensity

of color, which enables them more suitable for occasions where light intensity changes, than RGB space.Color recognition technique has been applied to many fields and has gone ahead rapidly. For instance, color recognition in product surface, license plates identification, face recognition and skin recognition [3-6]. Color recognition effects differ with the change of color space. This paper investigates on color feature divisibility in the commonly used color spaces as RGB space, CMY space, YUV space, YCbCr space, I1I2I3space and HSI space. Analysis indicates that HSI has the best divisibility performance in all the

above color spaces based on the distance criterion. It provides a theory basis for color recognition.


It is essential to build up and select a suitable color space for obtaining a kind of valid color features to characterize colorful images. Different color spaces are utilized for different research purposes. Color space means to define color by an

array in three-dimension space. In the processing of colorful images, color space is also named as color model or color coordinates. One color space can be converted to another by certain transforms. Below is the introduction of some color spaces and their conversions [7].

A. RGB Color Space

Red (R), green (G), blue (B) are three primary colors ofspectrum. All colors can be generated by the sum of the threeprimary colors. In digital images, values of R, G and B rangefrom 0 to 255. A cube in three-dimension coordinate space can be used to describe the RGB color space, where red, green andblue are the three axes, shown in Fig.

1.The main drawback of RGB color space as follows:

bull; It is not intuitive. It is difficult to see from the RGBvalues the cognitive attributes that the color representsitself.

bull; It is non-uniform. The perception difference betweentwo colors in RGB space is different from the distancebetween the two colors.

bull; It is dependent on hardware devices.

In a word, RGB space is device-related and an incompleteintuitive color description. To overcome these problems, othercolor spaces,which are more in line with characteristics of color vision, are adopted. RGB space can be mapped to other color spaces readily.

B. CMY(CMYK) Color Space

CMY space is a spatial structure of a rectangular Cartesian. Its three primary components are cyan (C), magenta (M) and yellow (Y). Colors are obtained by subtractive colors. CMY space is widely used in non-emission display as inkjet printers. Equal amount of the three components can generate the black color. But the aforementioned black color is not pure. Generally speaking, to generate true black color, the fourth component, i.e. black, is added in. This is the CMYK color space. CMY space is not very intuitive and non-linear. Its three components are the complementary colors of R, G and B. The transformations are as follows:

The transformations from RGB space to CMY space are as follows:

C. YUV and YCrCb Color Space

YUV space and YCbCr space both generate a luminance component and two

chrominance c





1. 概述


2. 颜色空间及其转化


2.1 RGB颜色空间

光谱的三个原色是红(R),绿(G),蓝(B),所有的颜色都能用三种基本组合起来形成。在数码影像中,R,G,B的取值范围0到255。在三维坐标空间中的多维数据集可用于描述 RGB 颜色空间,红,绿,蓝分别为轴线,如图表1所示。


1. 非直观性。很难从RGB数据库中看到颜色本身所表示的认知属性。

2. 非一致性。RGB颜色空间中两种颜色间的感知区别与其间的距离是不同的。

3. 依赖于硬件设备


2.2 CMY(CMYK)颜色空间

CMY 空间是笛卡尔直角坐标系的空间结构,其三个主要组件是青色(C),品红(M),黄色(Y)。相减混色模式以吸收三基色比例不同而形成不同的颜色。CMY空间被广泛应用于像喷墨打印机一类的非发射显示器。理论上来说,三种等量基色可形成黑色,但是由于目前制造工艺还不能造出高纯度的油墨,CMY相加的结果实际是一种暗红色。一般而言,要想得到高纯度的黑色就要加入第四个基色,也就是黑色;这就是CMYK颜色空间。CMY 空间不是很直观且非线性,它的三个组件是红,绿,蓝三个互相补充的颜色,在CMY模型中,颜色是从白光中减去一定成分得到的。其转化如下所示:




2.3 YUV和YCbCr颜色空间

YUV空间和YCbCr空间都含有一个亮度元素和两个色度元素。在YUV空间中,Y表示明亮度,而U和V表示的则是色差,它的亮度信号Y和色度信号U、V是分离的,而且,YUV 空间可以减少由人类视觉特性的数字彩色图像所需的存储容量。在YCbCr空间中,Y是指亮度分量,Cb指蓝色色度分量,而Cr指红色色度分量;其优点显而易见:颜色分量与亮度元素相分离,并可从RGB空间进行线性转换。通过以下方程式可大致解释从RGB到YUV的转换关系:


2.4 HSI颜色空间

它反映了人的视觉系统感知彩色的方式,以色调(H)、饱和度(S)和强度(I)三种基本特征量来感知颜色;与其相似的还有HSV颜色空间(色相h,饱和度s,色调v)和HSB颜色空间(色相h,饱和度s,亮度b),这些都属于极坐标空间的结构,它们共同的优点是可以直观的描述颜色,且大多可以从RGB空间进行线性转换。HSI模型的建立基于两个重要的事实: 一是I分量与图像的彩色信息无关;二是H和S分量与人感受颜色的方式是紧密相联的,其中H分量对颜色的描述能力最接近于人类的视觉,因此,它的区分力也是最强的[8]。 RGB空间到HSI空间的转换如下方程式所示:



2.5 I1I2I3颜色空间

RGB 空间到I1I2I3 空间的线性转换如下方程式以得到三个颜色直方特征:


由公式(7)可知,I1,I2,I3 的数值可正可负,在图像识别中,I1I2I3空间具有最佳的非相关性。

3. 颜色空间的特征分析

通过颜色空间,抽象、主观的视觉感知可被转化为三维空间中的特定位置、矢量,从而有可能使彩色图像和设备的颜色特征可视化。颜色空间是颜色识别的重要工具,各种混合系统有其相应的颜色空间并有不同的属性和各自的优缺点。颜色空间的有效性是处理彩色图像的关键,可除性标准则被用来检测不同颜色空间对颜色的分类。距离判据具有简明清晰的概念,即,类属中距离越小,类属间距离越大,可除性便越大。下面的特征分析运算法则便是基于距离判据[10]。 计算均值向量和i 类样本的协方差,N 是总样本数,Ni 是i 类样本数。


计 算 总 的 均 值 向 量和协方差 。


构造i 类 样 本 的 散 射 矩阵。


构 建 在 同一类 样 本 的 总 散 射 矩阵。


构 建 不同的 类之间 样 本 的 总 散 射 矩阵。




4. 实验结果及分析



从表格I 可知,HSI 空间与其它四个所分析的颜色空间相比最具可除性。

5. 总结

必须选择有效的颜色空间来处理彩色图像。本文在可除性标准的基础上,对五个常用的颜色空间进行分析和比较,实验结果表明HSI 颜色空间具有最强的可除性。这也为颜色识别中的颜色空间选择提供了基础。





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