
 2022-11-06 15:57:57

文献来源:AbrahamSilberschatz, HenryF.Korth, S.Sudarshan,等. 数据库系统概念[M]. 高等教育出版社, 2014.

Advanced SQL

In Chapters 3 and 4, we provided detailed coverage of the basic structure of SQL. In this chapter, we cover some of the more advanced features of SQL.1 We address the issue of how to access SQL from a general-purpose programming language, which is very important for building applications that use a database to store and retrieve data. We describe how procedural code can be executed within the database, either by extending the SQL language to support procedural actions, or by allowing functions defined in procedural languages to be executed within the database. We describe triggers, which can be used to specify actions that are to be carried out automatically on certain events such as insertion, deletion, or update of tuples in a specified relation. We discuss recursive queries and advanced aggregation features supported by SQL. Finally, we describe online analytic processing (OLAP) systems, which support interactive analysis of very large datasets.

5.1 Accessing SQL From a Programming Language

SQL provides a powerful declarative query language. Writing queries in SQL is usually much easier than coding the same queries in a general-purpose programming language. However, a database programmer must have access to a general-purpose programming language for at least two reasons:

1. Not all queries can be expressed in SQL, since SQL does not provide the full expressive power of a general-purpose language. That is, there exist queries that can be expressed in a language such as C, Java, or Cobol that cannot be expressed in SQL. To write such queries, we can embed SQL within a more powerful language.

2. Nondeclarative actions—such as printing a report, interacting with a user, or sending the results of a query to a graphical user interface—cannot be done from within SQL. Applications usually have several components, and querying or updating data is only one component; other components are written in general-purpose programming languages. For an integrated

application, there must be a means to combine SQL with a general-purpose programming language.

There are two approaches to accessing SQL from a general-purpose programming


bull; Dynamic SQL: A general-purpose program can connect to and communicate with a database server using a collection of functions (for procedural languages) or methods (for object-oriented languages). Dynamic SQL allows the program to construct an SQL query as a character string at runtime, submit the query, and then retrieve the result into program variables a tuple at a time. The dynamic SQL component of SQL allows programs to construct and submit SQL queries at runtime. In this chapter, we look at two standards for connecting to an SQL database and performing queries and updates. One, JDBC (Section 5.1.1), is an application program interface for the Java language. The other, ODBC (Section 5.1.2), is an application program interface originally developed for the C language, and subsequently extended to other languages such as C , C#, and Visual Basic.

bull; Embedded SQL: Like dynamic SQL, embedded SQL provides a means by which a program can interact with a database server. However, under embedded SQL, the SQL statements are identified at compile time using a preprocessor. The preprocessor submits the SQL statements to the database system for precompilation and optimization; then it replaces the SQL statements in the application program with appropriate code and function calls before invoking the programming-language compiler. Section 5.1.3 covers embedded SQL.

A major challenge in mixing SQL with a general-purpose language is the mismatch in the ways these languages manipulate data. In SQL, the primary type of data is the relation. SQL statements operate on relations and return relations as a result. Programming languages normally operate on a variable at a time, and those variables correspond roughly to the value of an attribute in a tuple in a relation. Thus, integrating these two types of languages into a single application requires providing a mechanism to return the result of a query in a manner that the program can handle.

5.1.1 JDBC

The JDBC standard defines an application program interface (API) that Java programs can use to connect to database servers. (The word JDBC was originally an abbreviation for Java Database Connectivity, but the full form is no longer used.)

Figure 5.1 shows an example Java program that uses the JDBC interface. It illustrates how connections are opened, how statements are executed and results processed, and how connections are closed. We discuss this example in detail in this section. The Java program must import java.sql.*, which contains the interface definitions for the functionality provided by JDBC. Connecting to the Database

The first step in accessing a database from a Java program is to open a connection to the database. This step is required to select which database to use, for example, an instance of Oracle running on your machine, or a PostgreSQL database running on another machine. Only after opening a connection can a Java program execute SQL statements.

A connection is opened using the getConnection method of the Driver-Manager class (within java.sql). This method takes three parameters.

bull; The first parameter to the getConnection call is a string that specifies the URL, or machine name, where the server runs (in our example, db.yale.edu), along with possibly some other information such as the protocol to be used to communicate with the database (in our example, jdbc:oracle:thin:;we shall shortly see why this is required), the port number the database system uses for communication (in our example, 2000), and the specific database on the server to be used (in our example, univdb). Note that JDBC specifi




5.1 使用程序设计语言访问数据库






在这一章中,我们将介绍两种用于连接到SQL数据库并执行查询和更新的标准。一种时Java语言的应用程序结构JDBC。另一种是ODBC,它最初时为C语言开发的,后来扩展到其他语言如C 、C#和Visual Basic。



5.1.1 JDBC






GetConnection 方法的第二个参数用于指定一个数据库用户标识,它为字符串类型。





用来于数据库交换信息的具体协议并没有在JDBC标准中定义,而是由所使用的驱动程序决定的。有些驱动程序支持多种协议,使用哪一种更合适取决于所连接的数据库支持什么协议。我们的例子里在打开一个数据库连接时,字符串jdbc:oracle:thin:指定了Oracle支持的一个特定协议。 向数据库系统中传递SQL语句


我们既可以用使用executeQuery函数又可以用executeUpdate函数来执行一条语句,这取决于这条SQL语句是查询语句(如果是查询语句,自然会返回一个结果集),还是像更新、插入、删除、创建表等这样的非查询性语句。在我们的例子里,stmt. executeUpdate执行了一条更新语句,向instructor关系中插入数据。它返回一个整数。表示被插入、更新或者删除的元组个数。对于DDL语句,返回值是0.try catch结构让我们可以捕捉JDBC产生的异常,并显示给用户适当的出错信息。 获取查询结果

示例程序用stmt. executeUpdate来执行一次查询。它可以把结果中的元组集合提取到ResultSet对象变量rest中并每次取出一个进行处理。结果集的next方法用来查看在集合中是否还存在至少一个尚未取回的元组,如果存在的话就取出。Next方法的返回值是一个布尔变量,表示是否从结果集中取回了一个元组。可以通过一系列的名字以get为前缀的方法来得到所获取元组的各个属性。方法getstring可以返回所有的基本SQL数据类型的属性(被转换成Java中的String类型的值),当然也可以使用像getFloat那样一些约束性更强的方法。这些不同的get方法的参数既可以是一个字符串类型的属性名称,又可以是一个整数,用来表示所需获取的属性在元组中的位置。图5-1给出了两种在元组中提取属性值的办法:利用属性名提取或者利用属性位置提取。



可以使用Connection类的prepareStatement方法来提交SQL语句用于编译。它返回一个prepared Statement类的对象。此时还没有执行SQL语句。执行需要PrepareStatement类的方法来为“?”参数设定具体的值。SetString方法以及诸如setlnt等用于其他的SQL基本类型的其他类似的方法使我们能够为参数指定值。第一个参数用来确定我们为哪个“?”设定值。第二个参数是我们要设定的值。


在同一查询编译一次然后设置不同地参数值执行多次的情况下,预备语句使得执行更加高效。然而,预备语句有一个更加重要的优势,它使得只要使用了用户输入值,即使只运行一次,预备语句都是执行SQL查询的首选方法。假设我们读取了一个用户输入值,然后使用java的字符串操作来构造SQL语句。如果用户输入了某些特殊字符,例如一个单引号,除非我们采用额外工作对用户输入进行检查,否则生成的SQL语句会出现语法错误。Set string方法为我们自动完成检查,并插入需要的转义字符,以确保语法的正确性。

在我们的例子中,假设用户已经输入了ID, name, dept name,和salary这些变量的值,相应的元组将被插入到关系instructor中。假设我们不用预备语句,而是使用如下的java表达式把字符串连接起来构成查询:

'insert into instructor values(rsquo; ' ID ' rsquo;, rsquo; ' name ' rsquo;, ' ' rsquo; dept name ' rsquo;, ' rsquo; balance ')'



假设一个java程序输入一个字符串name,并且构建下面的查询:'select * from instructor where name = rsquo;' name 'rsquo;'

如果用户没有输入一个名字,而是输入:Xrsquo; or rsquo;Yrsquo; = rsquo;Y,这样产生的语句就变成'select * from instructor where name = rsquo;' 'Xrsquo; or rsquo;Yrsquo; = rsquo;Y' 'rsquo;',即select * from instructor where name = rsquo;Xrsquo; or rsquo;Yrsquo; = rsquo;Yrsquo;,在生成的查询中,where子句总是真,所以查询结果返回整个instructor关系。更诡计多端的恶意用户甚至可以编写输入值以输出更多的数据。使用预备语句就可以防止这类问题,因为输入的字符串将被插入转义符,因此最后的查询变为:'select * from instructor where name = rsquo;Xrsquo; or rsquo;Yrsquo; = rsquo;Yrsquo;,这是无害的查询语句,返回结果为空集。

比较老的系统允许多个由分号隔开的语句在一次调用里被执行。此功能正逐渐被淘汰,因为恶意的黑客会利用SQL注入技术插入整个SQL语句。由于这些语句在java程序所有者的权限上运行,像删除表这样毁灭性的SQL语句会被执行。SQL应用程序开发者必须警惕这种潜在的安全漏洞。 可调用语句


CallableStatement cStmt1 = conn.prepareCall('{? = call some function(?)}');

CallableStatement cStmt2 = conn.prepareCall('{call some procedure(?,?)}');

函数返回值和过程的对外参数的数据类型必须先用方法registerOutParameter()注册,它们可以用与结果集用的方法类似的get方法获取。请参看JDBC手册以获得更细节的信息。 元数据特性





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