
 2022-11-29 15:28:36

An Experimental Evaluation using SQLite for Real-Time Stream Processing

Moriki Yamamoto and Hisao Koizumi

Abstract – The data generated at a very high rate by sensors and RFIDs are required to be handled by continuous queries keeping real time response. Because of its purpose, DSMSs are used in several cases of these large scale systems. On the other hand, sensor terminal systems include lightweight RDBMSs generally in many cases. So if lightweight RDBMSs can handle the high rate data directly,it is convenient for several applications. This paper proposes a speed-up method of stream processing by using the lightweight RDBMS SQLite without any special modifications.

Keywords: Stream processing, RDBMS, Multi-core, DSMS, CEP

  1. Introduction

This paper proposes two basic methods that use an open-source lightweight RDBMS SQLite as a simple SPE(Stream Processing Engine). In addition SQLite is the standard file system of Android OS and these methods do not require any modifications to SQLite itself. The first method is that records are inserted into a table using INSERT statement and records are selected from the same table using SELECT statement. This method is the usual one of the RDBMS usage. Both INSERT and SELECT are executed concurrently as separate processes, so this method shows moderate performance utilizing multi-core CPU. The first method is to focus on the goodness of the response than the throughput.

The second method is to use alternating multiple tables simultaneously. In the second method, records are inserted into the table using the specific IMPORT function of SQLite. Records are selected concurrently using SELECT statement from another table including already stored records. Here, the block is a memory table of SQLite. This second method provides higher performance than the first one by avoiding the problem of exclusive control of the database files and by using a bulk storing records method.

  1. Speed-Up Method of SQLite for Stream


Lightweight RDBMS is of course not suitable for stream processing, but this paper has the goal to be able to have input data rates up to ten of thousands per second at a simple query case. For example, if the data rate of the sensor 50 per sec, this performance is to be able to process

a batch of data from the sensors of hundreds of scale.

Fig. 1. In-memory function and memory file function.

2.1 Utilization of memory file function

SQLite has an in-memory database capability. In addition, by using the memory file function of Linux,database files of SQLite can be stored in memory. Fig. 1 shows the structure of in-memory function and memory file function. In-memory function is limited to within a single

process of SQLite, but memory file function is available from multiple processes of SQLite. For this reason, the method of this paper is using the memory file function.

2.2 Selection of commit unit

In SQLite, the INSERT time can be shortened significantly by committing multiple records together.However, if the blocking method is used at INSERT processing, real difference of response time arises for each input records.Even if real response times are not uniform, INSERT

processing time is almost the same as in the commit of unit 1 or unit 10. Therefore, it is possible to increase the number of input records per unit time.

2.3 Taking advantage of multi-core parallel processing

By taking advantage of using Linux memory file function, response performance is improved, but CPU utilization increases. Therefore, necessity has that the number of processes of SQLite and the number of CPU is the same possible numbers.

(1) Single block method

Here, we call single block method the method of performing INSERT processing and SELECT processing simultaneously against a single block of data. Hereafter this method is abbreviated as SB method. In this method a data block is one table of SQLite in one file. This is the normal practice of using a RDBMS. Fig. 2 shows an overview of SB method. Number of records in the data block must be adjusted within the proper range so as to keep the proper processing time of SELECT by using DELETE older records.

(2) Rotated blocks method

SB method is using only one data block. Therefore,waiting for the lock or lock error occurs due to competition of INSERT processing and SELECT processing. This paper proposes a different method in order to avoid lock competition. Hereafter this method is abbreviated as RB method. Fig. 3 shows an overview that. This method separates the data blocks for INSERT processing and SELECT processing at any one time. Due to blocking, input rate and INSERT times per unit time (INSERT rate) does not correspond. Note that SELECT processing is set to target up to 8 blocks in order to activate on 8 blocks SELECT statements which are combined by UNION operation. SQLite can combine up to 10 database files, one of which, however, can used as a temporary table, and the other one of which is used for storage of a master table for combining and of an intermediate result. Not that SQLite,using a special ATTACH DATABASE statement, can temporarily combines several files virtually into one file. If there is one data block for SELECT in Fig. 3, a query over the data block is available. And if there are two or more data blocks, a query over the data blocks is available.

2.4 Attempt of distributed stream processing using the SQLite processing engine

In this paper, we also propose a distributed stream processing engine using SQLite as a stream processing node. In particular, here, for the increase of the input data rate, by adding one or more nodes dynamically, we have demonstrated that an increase i



Moriki Yamamoto,Hisao Koizumi


关键词:流处理, 数据库, 多核心, DSMS, CEP







图1 内存功能和存储文件功能的文件














图4 实验实现分布式流处理的概述

  1. SQLite的加速实验方法的实现

3.1 SB法测量结果


3.2 RB法测量结果




  1. 总结





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