
 2022-11-29 11:37:52

n recent years, many city developed IC card, magnetic card, bar code card and other intelligent systems, to a certain extent, improve the efficiency of parking lot management fees and entry work, but also in the parking route guidance for the artificial realization of specific research and application of intelligent parking route guidance 1 is a lack of further exploration. Through the study of radio frequency identification (radiofrequencyidentification, 2 RFID) technical characteristics, the design of parking lot parking induced by RFID based hardware and software system, and the actual work flow as an example to show the procedure of response, the system design of the RFID based on the parking lot for parking, managers, drivers and related interests body

This paper provides a new train of thought for parking management, and makes some research on reducing parking time, efficient use of parking lot and construction of low carbon transportation system

Overview of RFID Technology


RFID is a method of using electromagnetic induction or microwave

The two-way communication mode can automatically identify the target through the radio frequency signal

Objects and obtain relevant data, can work in a variety of harsh environments

Automatic identification technology of.RFID system in general by the reader, tag and antenna is composed of three parts. The application of domestic RFID in low frequency and high frequency for the mature technology and realize the diversity of application. The application scope of coverage of the government and the logistics industry (including postal), manufacturing, transportation, telecommunications and other industries. UHF remote automatic recognition technology has more excellent features, but because of cost and technology, domestic application is not very extensive.

1.2RFID working principle

When the RFID label into the RF signal area from the reader after receiving the RF signal from the reader. Passive tags or passive tags with induction coil current gain control circuit and RF tag energy start circuit to send out the data information stored in the chip. The active tag or label active initiative to send signals at a the frequency of the reader directly to decode the received signal transmitting after the restoration of the original information for the label, and then sent to the central computer application system, the data processing and analysis, finally the application system to the required information, realize the system identification based on.RFID

The working principle and basic composition

1.3RFID technical characteristics

1) read and write non-contact tag can be completed in a non-contact state, tag reading distance from a few centimeters to tens of meters, suitable for relative occasions short distance wireless transmission of information, such as looking for parking cars and ground point information exchange 4.

2) high reliability and durability between tag and reader without mechanical contact, reduced because of poor contact caused by the read and write wrong operation, even if the external environment is not bad influence on the card reader. Especially the chip has a protective layer to prevent the loss, electrostatic breakdown and bending damage and other problems, card long service life.

3) has the advantages of convenient operation, read and write speed of non-contact communication can let the reader in the range of a few centimeters to tens of meters in the card operation, do not need to work like a mechanical contact IC card. Do not consider the direction of the use of non-contact card, as long as the device can be written within the scope of work in reading, in a very short time can read and write operations.

4) large information capacity, can be a multi-purpose card label information capacity can reach 26 billion 800 million yards, and one dimensional EAN / UPC code (the current capacity is less than 100bit) and two-dimensional bar code can only store 2725 numbers (PDF417) compared to the capacity is very large. At the same time, RF can have multiple partitions, and each partition also have their password, can be a different partition for different applications.

In addition, RFID also reflects the advantage: to prevent interference between the tag data security mechanism, good anti conflict with label and reader authenticated encryption performance, and low cost. And with the application of RFID becomes more and more widely, the supporting function will be further developed.

2 stop guidance system design

Parking guidance system based on MCU and RFID transmit / receive chip as the core hardware system based on the corresponding peripherals and interface circuit, through data transmission, database storage, decryption and data analysis, provide data support for the implementation of parking management, parking lot parking system and city parking lot in three levels, while providing parking guidance and information release and parking inquiry services for residents.

2.1 system requirements analysis based on RFID parking lot parking guidance system

With the working principle of RFID, in conjunction with the hardware system and software system, from storage to meet the induced demand and other aspects of the library. The first is the single parking lot parking guidance requirements, including: (1) entered the parking lot vehicle identification; (2) parking lot of the vehicle analysis, record storage time and the allocation of parking spaces; (3) linkage LED display real-time path guidance given; (4) the parking state confirm and update the parking lot; (5) to calculate time and cost of parking vehicles leaving the parking fees, parking lot and update the status of 5. The second is to meet the relevant owner or administrator of the query function, such as parking and charging records. Finally, it can meet the parkin


近年来许多城市发展起来的IC卡、磁卡、条码卡等智能系统,在一定程度上提高了停车场出入管理和收费工作的效率,但在停车路径诱导方面还多为人工实现,智能化停车路径诱导 [1]的具体研究和应用还缺少更深入的探索.本文通过研究 射 频 识 ( ,radiofrequencyidentification[2]RFID) 技术特性,设计了基于 RFID 的停车场停车诱导硬件和软件系统,并以实际工作流程为例展示了统程序的响应,基于 RFID 的停车诱导系统设计,为停车场管理者、司机和相关利益体


RFID 技术概述


RFID 是一种利用电磁感应或微波进行非接



自动识别技术.RFID系统一般由读写器、标签和天线三部分组成.目前国内 RFID 的应用以低 频和高频为技术成熟且实现了多样性应用.应用范围覆盖了政府、物流行业(含邮政)、制造业、交通运输业、通信业等多个行业.超高频远距离自动识别技术具有更加优良的特性,但由于成本和技术的原因,国内应用还不是很广泛.

  1. 2 RFID工作原理

当 RFID 标签进入读写器发出的无线射频信号区后,接收读写器发出的射频信号.无源标签或被动标签凭借线圈上的感应电流获得能量启动标签控制电路和射频电路发送出存储在芯片中的数据信息.有源标签或主动标签主动发送某一频率的信号,读写器直接接受标签发射的信号进行解码后,恢复为标签的原始信息,然后送至中央计算机等应用系统,进行有关数据分析处理,最后应用系统得到所需要的信息,实现系统识别.RFID基


1.3 RFID 技术特点

1)非接触性 标签的读、写皆可在非接触状态下完成,标签阅读距离从几厘米到几十米,适用于相对较短距离无线传输信息的场合,如正在寻泊的汽车和地面之间的点式信息交换[4].

2)高可靠性和耐用性 标签与读写器之间无机械式接触,减少了因为接触不良所造成的读写错误等操作,即使外部环境恶劣也不影响对卡的读写.特别是芯片拥有防止脱落,静电击穿和弯曲损坏等问题的保护层,卡的使用寿命比较长.

3)操作方便、读写速度快 非接触通信可以让读写器在几厘米至几十米范围内对卡片操作,不必像IC卡那样进行机械式接触工作.非接触使用时不考虑方向性,卡片只要在读写器工作范围之内即可,在非常短的时间内就可完成读和写的操作.

4)信息容量大,可一卡多用 标签信息容量可达到268亿个码,与现行的一维EAN/UPC条形码(容量小于100bit)和最多只能存储2725个数字的二维条形码(PDF417)相比,容量非常之大.同时,射频中可有多个分区,且每个分区又各自有密码,可以将不同的分区进行不同的应用.


2 停诱导系统设计


2.1 系统需求分析基于RFID的停车场停车诱导系统,通过利

用RFID工作原理,在硬件系统和软件系统的配合下,满足从入库到出库等多环节的诱导需求.首先是单个停车场的停车诱导需求,主要包括:(1)车辆进入停车场的身份确认;(2)停车场对车辆情况分析,记录入库时间并分配停车位;(3)联动LED显示给予实时路径诱导;(4)停车状态确认并更新停车场状态;(5)车辆离开停车位时计算停车时间与费用,进行收费并更新停车场状态[5].其次,是满足车主或者管理员的相关查询功能,如停车与收费记录.最后,是能满足停车场之间的信息互联,形成区域性停车系统网络,方便居民查询城区各个停车场车位状况.2.2 硬件系统基于RFID的停车诱导系统可以按照覆盖范围的不同分为不同层次,其硬件系统分布为数据库服务器、控制中心主机、因特网、同城停车场数据中心和各个停车场数据中心等要素,其结构如图2所示.


2.3 软件系统根据停车场停车诱导系统的需求和 RFID的技术特性,该软件系统根据服务范围大小可以分为停车场内寻泊诱导、区域停车诱导和停车信息平台三个层次.

1)寻泊路径诱导.终端式停车场内系统响应如图4所示,停车场数据库通过 RFID 采集进出该停车场车辆的主要数据,分配停车位和制定LED路径诱导灯的诱导方案;系统每检测到车辆出入变化,就实时的更新系统响应程序,并将数据发送至区域控制器和场外信息板.

2)区域停车诱导.通过中心控制器和数据库的动态响应,并检测各个区域的停车需求,通过路径诱导,扩大相邻停车场的协作能力.一般的,这种区域路径诱导采取 GIS和电子信息板相结合的方式实现.


根据目前的研究情况,采用 VC++、SQL数据库以及多线程技术[6],可以分层的实现系统的各项功能.

3 系统工作流程

3.1 车辆进入当车辆进入停车场入口通道时,入口处的多


  1. 2 车辆寻泊诱导在入口处的栏杆抬起后,检测器自动将入场

车辆信息(进场时间、卡号、图象等)传送到停车场数据服务器以及通过网络传送到控制中心数据服务器.停车场数据服务器将及时的把这一停车需求和本身数据结合起来,经过计算分析后,给该入场车辆分配停车位.再把这一分配结果编制为LED显示方案,发送至车辆行驶路径上的 LED显示装置,在车辆到分配泊位的路径上进行动态提示诱导,LED显示装置同时也配备 RFID 读卡器,车辆进入其工作范围时才进行显示,车辆离开其工作范围时即停止显示,已接受下一个新的显示任务,直到该车辆进入指定停车位,被停车位的射频读卡器检测到时,系统完成此次寻泊诱导,系统开始记录停车时间[8].当车辆没有按照诱导路线进行寻泊时,车辆实际停车位的阅读器会将车辆信息读出并发至停车场数据库,数据库及时停止路径诱导显示方案,同时,更新停车场空余车位的信息以便下一个停车位的分配,并记录车辆信息和停车时间.

3.3 车辆离库当车辆驶离停车泊位时,停车泊位处的读卡


3.4 其他功能停车场停车诱导系统不仅能实际的给库内停车提供路径诱导,更能够用数据库对停车场停车位数据进行实时更新,提供场外显示和客户网上查询,再者,通过互联网将区域停车场数据相连,可进一步提高区域或者同城停车场的利用效率.用户还可以通过因特网,查询自己的停车及收费记录,区域内各停车场的泊位数,对用户提供泊位时段预定等一系列公共服务.

3.5 系统功能分析系统的正常运行需要一定的规则设置,其体







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