
 2022-11-23 11:50:55




封锁很流行,类似的游戏也出现在Atari 2600、trs-80、apple 2和其他早期游戏机和电脑上。但真正让这场游戏走向全球的,还是21年后的今天,是一条蛇的游戏,它已经和诺基亚走到了一起。













1997年,诺基亚工程师Taneli Armanto为诺基亚N6610手机编写了一个贪婪的蛇程序,该程序被命名为Snake。“贪婪的蛇”这个概念很古老,但它的名字却是由诺曼人创造的。




顺便说一下,在手机上有一个叫Snake 2K的应用程序,这是一个智能手机上的蛇2的完整模拟。它模拟一个键盘,然后你用一个触摸屏来触摸键盘上的键来改变蛇的方向。













2010年2月3日,Linux内核开发者Greg Kroah-Hartman将Android的驱动程序从Linux内核“状态树”(“staging tree”)上除去,从此,Android与Linux核心开发分道扬镳。


Android 是Google开发的基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统。它包括操作系统、用户界面和应用程序—— 移动电话工作所需的全部软件,而且不存在任何以往阻碍移动产业创新的专有权障碍。谷歌与开放手机联盟合作开发了 Android,这个联盟由包括中国移动、摩托罗拉、高通、宏达和T-Mobile在内的 30 多家技术和无线应用的领军企业组成。通过与运营商、设备制造商、开发商和其他有关各方结成深层次的合作伙伴关系,我们希望借助建立标准化、开放式的移动电话软件平台,在移动产业内形成一个开放式的生态系统。我们认为此举必将推进更好、更快的创新,为移动用户提供不可预知的应用和服务。


开放手机联盟的成立和Android的推出是对现状的重大改变,在带来初步效益之前,还需要不小的耐心和高昂的投入。但是,我们认为全球移动用户从中能获得的潜在利益是值得付出这些努力的。如果你也是一个开发者,并对我们的想法感兴趣,就请再给我们一星期的时间,届时谷歌便能提供SDK了。如果你是一名移动用户,只需再等一段时间,我们的一些合作伙伴计划在 2008 年下半年推出基于Android平台的电话产品。如果你已经拥有一部你了解并喜爱的电话,确保你已经安装谷歌手机地图、Gmail以及其他一些专为你的手机开发的精彩应用。谷歌将继续努力,让这些服务变得更好,同时也将添加更有吸引力的特性、应用和服务。


2003年10月,Andy Rubin等人创建Android公司,并组建Android团队。


2007年11月5日,谷歌公司正式向外界展示了这款名为Android的操作系统,并且在这天谷歌宣布建立一个全球性的联盟组织,该组织由34家手机制造商、软件开发商、电信运营商以及芯片制造商共同组成,并与84家硬件制造商、软件开发商及电信营运商组成开放手持设备联盟(Open Handset Alliance)来共同研发改良Android系统,这一联盟将支持谷歌发布的手机操作系统以及应用软件,Google以Apache免费开源许可证的授权方式,发布了Android的源代码。

2008年,在GoogleI/O大会上,谷歌提出了Android HAL架构图,在同年8月18号,Android获得了美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)的批准,在2008年9月,谷歌正式发布了Android 1.0系统,这也是Android系统最早的版本。

2009年4月,谷歌正式推出了Android 1.5这款手机,从Android 1.5版本开始,谷歌开始将Android的版本以甜品的名字命名,Android 1.5命名为Cupcake(纸杯蛋糕)。该系统与Android 1.0相比有了很大的改进。

2009年9月份,谷歌发布了Android 1.6的正式版,并且推出了搭载Android 1.6正式版的手机HTC Hero(G3),凭借着出色的外观设计以及全新的Android 1.6操作系统,HTC Hero(G3)成为当时全球最受欢迎的手机。Android 1.6也有一个有趣的甜品名称,它被称为Donut(甜甜圈)。

2010年2月份,Linux内核开发者Greg Kroah-Hartman将Android的驱动程序从Linux内核“状态树”(“staging tree”)上除去,从此,Android与Linux开发主流将分道扬镳。在同年5月份,谷歌正式发布了Android 2.2操作系统。谷歌将Android 2.2操作系统命名为Froyo,翻译完名为冻酸奶。

2010年10月份,谷歌宣布Android系统达到了第一个里程碑,即电子市场上获得官方数字认证的Android应用数量已经达到了10万个,Android系统的应用增长非常迅速。在2010年12月,谷歌正式发布了Android 2.3操作系统Gingerbread (姜饼)。





Game Background setting:

In 1976, the Gremlin platform launched a classic arcade game Blockade. In the game, two players control a character to move on the screen, where they build a fence. The characters can turn only 90 degrees to the left and right, and the goal of the game is to ensure that the other side hits the screen or the fence first. It sounds a little complicated, but this is what it looks like:

Its basically two greedy snakes who grow up every step of the way, and the last thing you need to do is avoid hitting obstacles and growing bodies. More photos and video can be seen in the introduction of GamesDBase.

The Blockade is popular, and similar games have appeared in Atari 2600, trs-80, apple 2 and other early game consoles and computers. But what really makes the game go global, or 21 years from now, is Snake, a Snake game that has gone global with nokia.


When it comes to eating snakes, its one of the classic pixel games of childhood, as opposed to minesweeper and tetris, and it should be in everyones minds. But what is the earliest snake game? What has been the development of the snake since its birth?

The birth of the snake:

The earliest prototype of the snake snake can be traced back to 1976, a two-player arcade game called Blockade, which was distributed by Gremlin. Although the company was closed in 1984, the game of Blockade was a success, and it opened the way to the snake game.

Play a special 'Blockade', although the tongue as now can keep moving forward, but a mouse is the same, the body will be more and more long, the rules are simple, whoever the wall or bump into each other first, loses.

The greedy snake on the computer:

The earliest known version on the computer, the Worm program on the trs-80 computer, was written by Peter Trefonas.

The trs-80, produced by Tandy Corporation, went public in 1977 and ceased production in 1981, one of the earliest large-scale production of personal computers. Its body costs about $600, has a 1.77M CPU, 4k-48k memory, full keyboard, trs-dos operating system, floating-point BASIC language. External tape, floppy disk or hard disk storage (at that time, the floppy disk capacity is 85k to 180k; The hard disk capacity is 5 megabytes, the price is 1500 dollars.

A display with a black and white TV set is attached at random, but because only 1k is displayed, it can only display the letter/symbol matrix of 64*16, and cannot display the actual pixels. However, the virtual resolution of 128*48 can be achieved by means of symbolic simulation.

Do not be deceived by the appearance, in fact its motherboard is hidden under the keyboard, that monitor is a separate.

The company bought the famous electronic components retailer Radioshack for 63 years, and in 2000 simply changed its name to Radioshack.

The era of non-smart phones (nokia) is greedy for snakes:

In 1997, nokia engineer Taneli Armanto wrote a greedy Snake program for the nokia N6610 phone, which was named Snake. Well, so the concept of 'greedy snake' is very old, but the name is actually created by the normans.

Snake is believed to be the first mobile game ever.

Snakes have become more like snakes, and there are whales (?). .

Nokia 3310 sold 126 million, you can imagine how many people have played this game...

By the way, there is an app called Snake 2K on the phone, which is a complete simulation of Snake 2 on a smartphone. It simulates a keyboard, and then you use a touch screen to touch the keys on the keyboard to change the direction of the snake...

The greedy snake of the smartphone era.

The smartphone era has brought about the explosive growth of mobile games. Many people think that the greedy snake is out of date and can only be remembered as a non-smartphone era game. However, a web game called 'slither. IO' suddenly became popular online and received a lot of attention. And past snake is different, it is a multiplayer online games, players except through naturally occurring food, also can kill other players, for food, and getting longer. The popularity of 'slither. IO' has opened up opportunities for domestic mobile game developers. All kinds of snake - like mobile game have mushroomed. Among them, the most popular one should belong to the big battle of the snake.

The game is basically similar to 'slither.io,' but only slightly different in interface and character styles. Although seemingly simple play, it has produced a great 'magic' to the domestic players, many players said, in waiting for the bus, after the meal, rest, take out the mobile phone to play with a handful, is very enjoyable. Players enjoy a small snake, slowly start to grow bigger, finally dominate the map of the sense of achievement, also enjoy the pleasure of killing other players through the dexterous walking. In short, its a simple but fun game.

The game features:

The most difficult part of playing the game is not the snake, but the beginning. At that time, the snake was very short, and it looked very difficult, but it was the most likely to die, because it was easy to lose patience when playing with a small snake. Due to the difficulty is small, you will unconsciously to speed up the adjustment direction of speed, can walk freely in the snake body is lengthened, when you was unaware of the danger, in your most triumphant moment sudden death. Its like youre the boss, and the small business is making a lot of money, and the result is complacency. Theres nothing wrong with it. Theres no chance of regret.

Seeing the game is funny, except for fun. Whos playing games on the phone? But then increasingly feel out the beauty of the game - when the aircraft in the terminal, cant sleep at night, in the negotiations stalled need to change the record, is leading a long boring meeting - to be honest, my 'gluttony snake record 594 points are created



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