
 2022-12-16 11:36:03

Consumers Perceived Importance of and Satisfaction with Internet Shopping


Abstract: In this study, focusing on the attributes of the Business-to-Consumer websites, we examine the relationship between consumersrsquo; perceived importance of and satisfaction with Internet shopping. We find that the factors of entertainment, convenience, reliability, information quality and speed are important for choosing shopping sites. We also find that the factors of entertainment, speed, information quality, and reliability are related to consumersrsquo; satisfaction with Internet shopping. In addition, one of our results suggests that the entertainment factor must be combined with good information in order to satisfy customers in Internet shopping. Among the above factors, we find that lsquo;information qualityrsquo; of the importance and lsquo;reliabilityrsquo; of the satisfaction are statistically significant for distinguishing buyers from non-buyers. We suggest some guidelines to improve websites for consumer shopping.


As the number of websites increases rapidly, e-business marketing managers start to face severe competition. Making their websites attractive must be one of the first priorities for these marketers. Thus, it is better for them to understand how consumers evaluate the websites as well as their choices among the websites (Dallaert 2000; Misic and Johnson 1999; Simeon 1999).

In order to do these things, however, many companies often track only the technological characteristics in terms of site traffic such as keeping track of hits, page views, visits and so on. With these measures it is known that there exists some limitations for tracking actual consumer purchasing behavior and to assess the performance of the websites.

In order to understand consumers, other researchers approach this issue by benchmarking other websites, observing consumer behavior, surveying consumers, conducting experiments, and so on. These approaches pay more attention to the consumersrsquo; perception, attitude, and behavior than to the technological characteristics of the websites. For example, by explicitly asking consumers how much they like a certain website, Alpar (1999) developed an instrument to measure consumersrsquo; satisfaction with a website, which was operationally defined as a weighted sum of visitorsrsquo; attitudes to 17 items including response speed, navigation support, and so on.

In this study, similarly, we also examine consumersrsquo; perception of and attitude towards the Business-to- Consumer websites. However, instead of developing an instrument such as the weighted sum of importance and rating, we investigate the possible relationship between the consumersrsquo; perceived importance of and satisfaction with the attributes of the websites. Specifically, we ask consumers their perception of the importance for each attribute of the website and their degree of satisfaction with each attribute of the website.

Although there are several ways to define the satisfaction, in this study we follow Huntrsquo;s definition of customer satisfaction, lsquo;an evaluation rendered that the consumption experience was at least as good as it was supposed to be.rsquo; It is related to the companyrsquo;s performance in terms of how much it fulfils consumerrsquo;s needs and wants with its products and services. Kotler et al. (1996) investigated the relationships between customer importance and company performance in the 14 service elements of an auto- mobile dealerrsquo;s service department. The customer importance and the dealer performance are measured by a 4-point scale. Then, the researchers helped the company to know if it is under-performing on important elements and over-performing on relatively unimportant elements. Kotler et al. also suggest major directions for dealing with the elements in each section.

Similar to Kotler et al.rsquo;s 2 times; 2 matrix, we investigate the consumersrsquo; perceived importance of the elements from the perspective of consumer satisfaction.

Through a series of analyses shown in Figure 1, we found some interesting implications for managing websites. We first performed factor analysis to find the underlying constructs of the importance as well as satisfaction with Internet shopping. Then, based on the results of factor analysis, we examined the correlation between the importance of and the satisfaction with Internet shopping. In addition, using the discriminant analysis, we predicted whether a consumer would shop on the Internet. Finally, we suggest some guidelines for improving websites.



In mid-November, 1999, using the convenient sampling method, we surveyed the residents of Seoul, the capital city of South Korea, for a week. The participants are mostly highly educated individuals from 20 to 40 years old. After excluding 34 unusable answers, we finally had 254 pieces of data for the statistical data analysis, using SPSSWIN 9.0. The details of the survey participants are summarized in Table 1. In this study, we asked the survey participants which attributes of the websites were important to them and how satisfied they were with the websitesrsquo; attributes when they shop on the Internet. The 14 attributes (listed in Table 2) were considered for the level of lsquo;importancersquo; and lsquo;satisfaction,rsquo; respectively, and measured by a 5-point Likert scale (with 5 meaning either very important or very satisfied and 1 meaning the opposite).

The descriptive statistics of the level of importance and satisfaction are shown in Table 2. First, we measured the reliability of the 14 variables. For the level of importance, the Cronbach a of 0.7274 was obtained, and for the level of satisfaction the Cronbach a of 0.8618 was obtained. Since a Cronbach a greater than 0.6 in general certifies reliability (Malhotra, 1993), we consider the variables i








同样地,在这项研究中,我们也考察了消费者对B to C网站的认知和态度。然而,我们研究的是消费者感知重要性和对网站态度的满意度之间的可能关系,而不是开发一个工具,如重要性和等级的加权。

尽管有好几种方式来定义满意度,但在此研究中,我们遵循亨特的客户满意度的定义,“购物过程与购前期望进行比较,在与感受一致甚至超出期望时做出的评价结果 ”这多少满足了消费者的需求和对相关公司产品和服务的希望。


图1 研究框架



接下来,我们发现在满意度方面的“信息质量”和“娱乐”之间呈正相关关系。这表明,信息本身是不足以满足消费者的。娱乐元素应该和良好的质量信息结合在一起,因为那些被娱乐因素满意的人想要“好的信息”。我们相信,只要产品和服务有足够广度和深度的信息,并且这些信息是正确和最新的,那么这样的信息就可以称为好的信息。一般情况下,许多企业开始举办促销活动(如免费礼品、抽奖、非货币性活动等等),以此来吸引目标消费者。然而,为了留住这些消费者,企业需要提供的远不止娱乐那么简单。这就是为什么消费者在网站上购物时想要获得有关决策的好的信息。因此,我们认为,想要让消费者在购物过程中得到满足感,“娱乐”元素必须有良好的信息((Bell 和 Tang 1998年)。最后,我们发现重要性区域中的“便利”和满意的区域中的“可靠性”这两者是呈负相关的。这就意味着,那些认为便利性很重要的人往往对可靠性不满意。同样地,在网络购物过程中,那些热衷于可靠性的消费者并不赞同便利性(Liang 和 Huang 1998年)。



我们检查已找到的那些因子是否能准确解释买家和非买家之间的差异。首先,判别分析表明,在网站属性的重要性中“信息质量”占比1%。也就是说,越多的消费者把“信息质量”看作一个重要的因素,他们通过网络购买商品的可能性就越大。这可能表明,想要更宽更深的最新信息的消费者通常会认为互联网是一个面向事务的媒体,而不是基于娱乐的媒体(Randall 1997年)。因此,对他们来说,通过互联网购买的概率更高,因为网络购物提供了高质量的信息。

另一方面,对网站属性满意度的判别分析表明,“可靠性”在区分买家和非买家方面占比1%。这意味着更多的消费者对网络购物的可靠性感到满意,他们通过因特网购买商品的概率越高。这可以解释为网络购物的发展取决于在可靠性问题方面它满足了多少消费者。 由于以前的一些研究表明,在购买体验后,消费者对可靠性的态度得到了改善(如Kim和Park 1999年),所以此次判别分析也说明了为非买家提供网络购物的机会是很关键的。






在另一方面,我们的结果可能不那么严格,因为这一细分市场普遍教育水平更高,收入也较高,他们往往表现出很强的购买意向(Hoyer 和 MacInnis 1997年) 。此外,在该研究中提出的方法为理解消费者和网络购物做出了贡献。



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