
 2022-11-27 14:12:28

A More Complete Conceptual Framework for SME Finance

Allen N. Berger Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Gregory F. Udell Kelley School of Business, Indiana University,

Financial institution structure and lending to SMEs

The research literature provides a considerable amount of evidence on the effects of financial institution structure on SME lending, although as noted above, the findings rarely go beyond the distinction between transactions lending technologies versus relationship lending to parse among the very different transactions technologies. Here, we briefly review the findings with regard to the comparative advantages of large versus small institutions (subsection A), foreign-owned versus domestically-owned institutions (subsection B) and state-owned versus privately-owned institutions (subsection C).

A. Large versus small institutions

There are a number of reasons why large institutions may have comparative advantages in employing transactions lending technologies which are based on hard information and small institutions may have comparative advantages in using the relationship lending technology which is based on soft information. Large institutions may be able to take advantage of economies of scale in the processing of hard information, but be relatively poor at processing soft information because it is difficult to quantify and transmit through the communication channels of large organizations (e.g., Stein 2002). Under relationship lending, there may be agency problems created within the financial institution because the loan officer that has direct contact over time with the SME is the repository of soft information that cannot be easily communicated to the management or owners of the financial institution. This may give comparative advantages in relationship lending to small institutions with lower agency costs within the institution because they typically have less separation (if any) between ownership and management and fewer overall layers of management (e.g., Berger and Udell 2002). Finally, it is often argued that large institutions are relatively disadvantaged at relationship lending to SMEs because of organizational diseconomies with also providing transactions loans and other wholesale services to large corporate customers (e.g., Williamson 1967, 1988).

The empirical literature on this topic usually does not observe the lending technologies used by large and small institutions, but rather draws conclusions about these technologies from the characteristics of the SME borrowers and contract terms on credits issued to these SMEs by institutions of different sizes. In most cases, the research is based on data from U.S. banks and SMEs. Large institutions are found to lend to larger, older, more financially secure SMEs (e.g., Haynes, Ou, and Berney 1999). It is often argued that these findings are consistent with large institutions lending to relatively transparent and relatively safe borrowers that are more likely to receive transactions credits. Large institutions are also found to charge lower interest rates and earn lower yields on SME loan contracts (e.g., Berger, Rosen, and Udell 2003, Berger 2004, Carter, McNulty, and Verbrugge 2004). It is contended that these results may reflect that large institutions lend to safer borrowers and/or employ lending technologies with lower operating costs, which are more likely to be transactions loans. In addition, large institutions are found to have temporally shorter, less exclusive, more impersonal, and longer distance relationships with their SME loan customers (e.g., Berger, Miller, Petersen, Rajan, and Stein forthcoming). These findings are argued to suggest weaker relationships with borrowers for large institutions, which are indicative of transactions loans. Finally, large institutions appear to base their SME credit decisions more on strong financial ratios than on prior relationships (e.g., Cole, Goldberg, and White 2004, Berger, Miller, Petersen, Rajan, and Stein forthcoming). It is argued that both the dependence on strong financial ratios and the non-dependence on prior relationships for large institutions are indicative of the use of transactions lending technologies.

We argue that these findings are not as clear-cut in their support of the comparative advantages by institution size as they might at first seem. For the most part, prior authors appear to treat transactions lending technologies as a collective whole that may be adequately represented by just one of these technologies, financial statement lending. This is not necessarily the case. We agree that the findings that SME credits by large institutions tend to be associated with weaker lending relationships and less often based on prior relationships and are indeed consistent with the predicted comparative disadvantage of large institutions in relationship lending. However, we do not agree with the contentions in the prior literature that greater SME transparency, safer SME borrowers, lower rates and yields, and possible lower operating costs and greater reliance on financial ratios for large institutions provide strong support for the hypothesis that these institutions have comparative advantages in transactions lending technologies. Although greater transparency, safer borrowers, lower rates, lower operating costs, and greater reliance on financial ratios are indicative of the use of the financial statement lending technology, they are not necessarily indicative of the types of loans or borrowers associated with the other transactions lending technologies. That is, these other transactions technologies may not necessarily be used to lend to SMEs that are less opaque or safer than relationship borrowers, may not have lower rates or smaller processing costs than relationship loans, and may not be based on stronger financial ratios than the relationship lending technol



Allen N. Berger 美国联邦储备局

Gregory F. Udell 印地安那大学商学院




有很多原因,大型机构可能在业务借贷的技术和巨大数量的信息方面有优势,小机构的使用关系型贷款技术在软件信息上面有优势。大型机构可以利用规模经济的过程中获得的信息,但其相对薄弱,因为它在处理软信息时很难用数量和通过沟通渠道传递(例如,斯坦2002)。在关系型贷款中,可能存在的代理问题在于金融机构,因为贷款职员有直接联系我国中小企业在过去一段时间的软信息仓库,不能轻易传达给管理或业主的金融机构。这可能会比较优势在关系型贷款机构,以降低的代理成本很小,因为他们通常在机构有较少的分离(如果有的话)之间的所有权和管理以及更少的总体层次的管理(例如,柏格与Udell 2002年)。最后,它通常辩称,大型机构相对弱势在关系型贷款的中小型企业组织与规模不经济相对因与交易也提供贷款和其他批发服务(例如,大公司的客户,1988)。

1967年,威廉姆森关于这个主题的实证文献通常不遵守借贷技术使用大的和小的机构,而是这些技术的特点和我国中小企业信用借款者与合同条款,这些中小企业在境外机构签发的大小不同。在大多数情况下,通过研究基于数据来自美国银行和中小型企业发现,他们更愿意贷款给大型机构,而不是经济保障中小企业(如海恩斯、欧、Berney 1999年)。通常认为,这样的结果是一致的大型机构借贷,以相对透明且相对安全的借款人更容易接受交易额度。大型机构更喜欢低收益率和SME贷款(例如,2003年,Udell、2004伯杰·卡特、2004年,Verbrugge)。




而且,即使在某种程度上,大型机构可能处于弱势地位的关系中。银行往往将钱借给贷款借款人更透明的中小企业平均比小的机构,但这并不意味着相当大的小机构存在显著的信贷资金是必要的。限定的额外的研究发现,当地的市场份额大的企业和小的美国银行,与中小企业信用相对小的协会在本国市场更具有有效性Wolken 1999,(Jayaratne罗森博格,2003年,Udell)。


第二个假设也可以帮助解释结果之间的关系不大,市场份额大的和小的机构和中小企业信用有效性。大型机构可能处于弱势地位的重要的原因是,以更好地为中小企业,虽不透明,但市场力量可以有效的分类这些不透明的中小企业在市场上小机构之间的关系,为这些贷款的借款人利用技术。实证结果美国银行并购中小企业贷款上提供一些支持这第二次的假说,虽然贷款技术和混浊的借贷者通常是无法观察在这些研究中。研究发现,大型机构降低中小企业贷款后,其他银行之间存在,但在同一个地方市场反应增加自己的供应的(例如,Scalise、伯杰1998年,Udel、伯杰、戈德堡·怀特·约翰逊、Samolyk 2001年)。新的小银行一样,常常在这些市场,提供额外增加到当地的供应(伯杰,戈德堡·怀特, 2004年)。



因为种种原因,外资机构可能在交易上有比较优势,国内企业的借贷机构在关系型贷款方面可能有比较优势。外资机构通常不是有一部分构成,所以,所有的大型组织的逻辑上面讨论关于大型机构普遍适用于外国机构。外资机构也会面对障碍,因为他们在关系型贷款有特殊的处理和传输距离,软信息通过更多的管理层次,不得不被多个经济、文化、语言、监管环境所处理。而且,在发展中国家,外资机构总部在发达国家中可能有额外的优势,因为一些中小企业贷款交易中获得更好的信息技术和更加方便的信息收集。例如, 在发展中国家的工业中小企业的基础上,一些外国机构使用一种形式的小企业信用评分,然后贷款给中小企业。其他机构提供贷款给由本国培训人员驻扎的发展中国家。

很少有对发达国家中小企业贷款外资机构的实证研究。虽然有些研究发现,这些机构倾向于拥有大规模定位(例如,DeYoung和产品1996),在某些情况下,往往专门为跨国公司,总部设在家里的国家,大概是利用交易技术应用于硬信息(例如:戈德堡和桑德斯1981)。有些证据也是符合这个假设的。尽管这一发现是基于数据来自跨国公司,但外国机构可能在一些方面遇到困难,如需要处理当地软信息提供现金管理服务等(例如,柏格、Ongena史密斯,2003年)。在大多数情况下,银行的效率研究表明,在发达国家的外国所有权的劣势大于平均水平,尽管没人知道这当中有多少是由于贷款功能引起的(例如,DeYoung和产品质量,1996年,DeYoung伯杰、Genay、Udell 2000)。

实证结果发现,对于拥有外国人的单位,在发展中国家有很大的不同。外资银行通常比国有企业银行在这些国家显得更有利可图(例如,Claessens、Demirguc-Kunt,2001,马丁内兹、Peria、惠钦格,2004)。但一个研究发现,有一个大致相同的现象,在控制有很多不同类型的治理和变化(中译本,Klapper克拉克,Udell)。外资银行的更好的性能,在发展中国家相对于发达国家的,可能由于技术层面上提到的,最好还是较好地使用的资本市场,以及优越的能力和更大的多元化风险管理经验。也有证据表明在发展中国家,外资机构对中小企业信用有效性的影响。在大部分的研究中,外资银行可以单独拥有或更大的份额,为这些银行信贷资金大中小型企业(例如,Dages,戈德堡,Kinney 2000,克拉克,马丁内兹Peria2002年,Demirguc-Kunt·贝克,2004年,Klapper伯杰,哈桑·克拉克,2004年,马丁内兹Peria摘)。在对外资银行的研究中发现,我国中小企业信用供应方面有困难,(例如,Klapper伯杰,Udell 2001年)。如上述资料显示,美国的借贷技术通常通过对拥有较少的信息特征,或合同条款的中小企业借款者来推断这些技术。尽管外国机构几乎肯定交易技术,它通常是不为人所知的技术的使用或混浊的借贷者。



研究发现,一般表现典型个体的国有银行效率,是相对国有银行的股票所有权的,这通常伴随不利的宏观经济后果(如,克拉克2002年,Lopez-de-Silanes、Shleifer 2002、巴特、Caprio2004年,哈桑·莱文伯杰、Klapper伯杰、克拉克2004年,Udell、科勒、Klapper)。也有证据表明, 与大型国有银行相比,不少的一般中小企业信用是在国家市场份额上(例如,Beck、Demirguc-Kunt,2004年,Klapper伯杰,2004年)。不良贷款利率也一样,国有银行往往是很高的,符合贷款给中小企业与负净现值的贷款(例如,汉森2004年,克拉克,伯杰、Udell、科勒、Klapper)。这些结果符合国家控制的影响的研究,在发达国家银行的私有化(例如,Verbrugge,欧文斯2000年,Otchere,2003年)和发展中国家(例如,克拉克,筛选、Megginson)通常发现消除国有股性能的方面改进。类似的情况,对外资机构和国有机构可能普遍使用交易的技术,但很少有资讯技术或资料来推断这些技术。



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