
 2022-11-18 21:46:15

Growth and the Valuation of Shares


Listed companies in the dividend distribution policy to some extent direct impact on the operation of funds of listed companies. The company paid to its shareholders the remaining surplus of retained earnings in the enterprise, there Cixiaobizhang relationship. Therefore, the dividend distribution policy is decided how much dividend distribution to shareholders, has decided to stay in the number of enterprises. Reduce the dividend distribution, which will increase corporate retained earnings, reducing the external financing needs. So dividend policy is also financing the internal decision-making enterprises. In this paper, often used to make a dividend distribution policy briefly discussed.

Dividend in the actual operation, the choice of dividend distribution policy has the following four:

First, the remaining dividend distribution policy
Dividend and the companys capital structure related to investment and capital structure, in turn, constitute the necessary funds, the dividend distribution policy should in fact be the cost of capital and investment opportunities in the double impact. The remaining dividend distribution policy is that the company has good investment opportunities, in accordance with the objectives of certain capital structure (the optimal capital structure), to calculate the required equity capital investment, the first of retained earnings, and then the remaining surplus as a dividend to be Distribution. If there is no surplus, not dividends. Use the remaining dividend distribution policy to be followed by five steps: (1)identification of investment projects, looking for profitable investment opportunities. (2)target capital structure, which is identified with the debt equity capital ratio of capital to the weighted average cost of capital (integrated cost of capital rate) reached the lowest level as the standard. (3) target capital structure of the equity investment required amount.(4)maximize the use of the companys retained earnings to meet the investment programmes of the equity capital required amount. (5)investment programme for equity capital have been met if the remaining surplus, and then as dividends paid to shareholders.
Choice of the remaining dividend distribution policy, will mean that only the remaining surplus for dividend payment. The model is based on the stock price has nothing to do with the distribution of dividends, investors in the dividend and capital gains do not have a preferred, but will investors get dividends on the secondary position, its fundamental purpose is to maintain the ideal capital structure, the weighted average cost of capital Minimum, thus realizing the company to maximize profits.

Second, the continued growth of fixed or dividend distribution policy

The continued growth of fixed or dividend distribution policy is to distribute the annual dividend fixed at a specific level, and in the longer period of time regardless of how the companys profitability, the financial situation of how the distribution of the dividend remains unchanged. Only when the company that future earnings will be significant, and irreversible growth, will be able to maintain the amount of dividends paid to a higher level, will increase the annual dividend payment amount. However, inflation in the circumstances, most companies will then raise the surplus, and the majority of investors want companies to provide more than offset the adverse effects of inflation dividends, long-term inflation in the years should also increase the amount of dividend payment .

Sustained growth of fixed or dividend distribution policy is aimed at avoid because of poor management and reduction of dividend. To take such dividend distribution policy of the reasons is: First, a stable dividend for the company to market convey the normal development of the information, to establish a good image of the company, enhance the confidence of investors in the company, stable stock prices. Second, the stability of the amount of dividends to investors for dividend income and expenditure, especially for those who are dependent on dividends shareholders especially. Mandrax Mandrax high dividends and low stocks, will not be welcomed by these shareholders, the stock price will drop. Third, the stability of the dividend distribution policy may be inconsistent with the remaining dividend theory, but taking into account the stock market will be a variety of factors, including the psychological state of shareholders and other requirements, in order to maintain a stable dividend level, Even if some deferred investment programme or temporarily deviate from target capital structure, may also reduce the dividend or lower than the dividend growth rate of more favorable.

In view of this, the company only used or continued growth in the fixed dividend distribution policy in order to maximize the company shares in order to achieve the maximization of the companys financial goals. The dividend distribution policy is that the shortcomings of the dividends paid out of touch with the surplus. When the lower earnings still support a fixed dividend, it might lead to a shortage of funds, financial situation worsened, not the same as the surplus into the dividend distribution policy as to maintain a lower cost of capital.

Third, to pay a fixed dividend rate policy

Dividend policy to pay a fixed rate, the company set a dividend amount of the surplus ratio (dividend payment rate), this ratio of long-term policy to pay dividends. In this dividend distribution policy, the dividends for investors as the companys net profit after tax changes and fluctuations, when the company increased net profit, the stock dividend for investors has increased, but decreased. The higher rate of pay fixed dividends, the c









持续增长的固定或股利分配政策旨在避免由于管理不善和股息减少。采取这种股利分配政策的原因是:第一,稳定的股息为公司向市场传达信息的正常发展,树立良好的公司形象,增强投资者对公司的信心,稳定股票价格。第二,股息的稳定性对股利收入和支出的影响,特别是对于那些依赖股利的股东尤其如此。MunDRAX MangDox高股息和低库存,不会受到这些股东的欢迎,股价会下跌。第三,股利分配政策的稳定性可能与剩余股利理论不符,但考虑到股票市场会有多种因素,包括股东的心理状态等要求,以维持稳定的股利分配。VER,即使一些推迟投资方案或暂时偏离目标资本结构,也可能会降低股息或低于股息增长率更有利的。











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