
 2022-11-27 14:02:28

Iranian License Plate Recognition Using Connected Component and Clustering techniques

H.R. Ain Moghassemi

Islamic Azad University (West Tehran)

Tehran, Iran


License Plate Recognition system (LPR) plays a significant role in many application such as access control, traffic control, and the detection stolen vehicles. A LPR system can be divided into the detection and recognition stages. For license plate detection, a proposal method with to phase is used. At the first phase regions of around plate is clip out by help of vertical and horizontal projections. Next accurate location of plate is recognizing by connected component analysis and clustering techniques. Due to the positioning of vehicle towards the camera, the rectangular of license plate can be rotated and skewed in many ways. So skew detection and correction is requiring after plate detection. In this study an efficient method is proposed to skew detection and recognition. Zernike and wavelet moments features with rotation and scale invariant property are used to recognition of license plate characters. Proposed algorithms are robust to the different lighting condition, view angle, the position, size and color of the license plates when running in complicated environment. The overall performance of success for the license plate achieves 93.54% when the system is used to the license plate recognition in various conditions.


License Plate Recognition; Skew detection; Skew correction; Zernike and wavelet moments; rotation and scale invariant.


LPR (License Plate Recognition) is an image processing technology used to recognize vehicles by their license plates. LPR systems are used in various security and traffic

applications, for example in fig.1. LPR system is used to the access-control in the gateway. In the figure 1: while the vehicle reaches the gate, the LPR system automatically 'reads' the license plate characters, compares to a predefined list and opens the gate if there is a match. The LPR system was made-up first in 1976 at the Police Scientific Developed Branch in the England. Prototype of LPR systems were working by 1979. In Iran first research and work on LPR system started in Iran University Science and Technology (IUST) and Control Traffic Corporation since 1994[1].

LPR uses image processing software to analyze the images capture from vehicles and extracts the license plate location; at the end an optical character recognition (OCR) system is used on images to recognize the license plates characters on Vehicles. They also are used by various police and military forces and as a method of electronic toll collection on payper- use roads and classification the activities of traffic or individuals. LPR can be used to store the images captured by the cameras as well as the characters and numbers from license plate, with some arrangement to store a photograph of the driver. LPR systems use infrared lighting or image processing technique to allow the camera to take the picture for next processing.

The software part of the LPR system runs on central computer and can be connected to other applications or database. The software requires six algorithms for recognizing license plate as follows:

1. License plate location: Finding and extracting the license plate on the image.

2. License plate orientation and scaling: compensates for the skew of the license plate

and resize the dimensions to the required size to feature extraction and recognition.

3. Normalization and binarization: adjust brightness and contrast of the license plate

image and convert license plate image to binary image with suitable threshold.

4. Character Segmentation: finds the individual bounding box of characters on the license


5. Optical Character Recognition (OCR): Recognizing characters of license plate image.

6. Syntactical and geometrical analysis: Check license plate characters and positions.

The complexity of each of these algorithms determines the precision of the overall LPR system.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, related works is presented, in which all stages of LPR systems with related references are introduced and discussed. The license plate preprocessing is presented in section 3. The basic and primary stage of LPR, license plate detection algorithm, is discussed in detail in Sections 4. The section 5 is about license plate skew detection and correction. The license plate character recognition is presented in Section 6, and finally, experimental results are presented in Section 7.


Researches and works about the LPR systems in various applications such as access control to parking, security control of confidential areas, and traffic law enforcement can be found in [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. Nowadays researches concentrate to variety of license plate formats and the no uniform outdoor illumination conditions during image acquisition, such as backgrounds, illumination, vehicle speeds, different distance between camera and

vehicle. Therefore, most approaches work only under restricted conditions such as fixed illumination, limited vehicle speed, selected routes, and stationary backgrounds. As described previous section LPR system consists of four main stages: capture an image of the vehicle, locating and segmentation of the license plate, character segmentation and normalization, and optical character recognition. Capture image related to hardware of image grabber and camera. The license plate location and segmentation are the important stage of LPR system. Because of various illumination conditions and complex backgrounds to finding place of license plate should be considered. Also noise, dirty and skew plate can be affected on performance of this stage. Many researches about locat



H.R.艾因Moghassemi 伊斯兰阿萨德大学(西德黑兰)伊朗德黑兰


车牌识别系统(LPR),在许多应用发挥了重要作用,如访问控制,流量控制,被盗车辆的检测。一个车牌识别系统可分为检测和识别阶段。对于车牌检测,有一些相关的建议和方法,就是对于水平板块和垂直板块的检测。车牌的准确的定位是认识到连接的成分分析和聚类技术研究。由于对车辆定位的是摄像头,车牌矩形可以旋转所以在许多方面都会产生倾斜。因此倾斜检测和校正车牌就很有必要。在这项研究中一个有效的歪斜检测和识别方法是泽尼克旋转和尺度小波矩特征不变法用于车牌字符识别。和以上不同的是演算法是在强光照条件下,视角,位置,大小和颜色在复杂的环境中运行时处理车牌。 “成功是在各种条件整体性能达到车牌用于车牌识别系统时的93.54%。




LPR(车牌识别)是一种用于识别车辆牌照的图像处理技术。 LPR系统中使用于各种安全和交通应用,例如在图1。 LPR系统是用来在网关的访问控制。在图1:当车辆到达大门时,自动车牌识别系统“读”车牌字符,与预定义的列表比较,如果有一个匹配则打开大门。 “LPR系统是在1976年首次由英国的分公司在警察科学开发。原型LPR系统是在1979年工作。自1994年以来,伊朗第一个研究LPR系统的工作,开始在伊朗大学科技和技术(IUST)和控制交通总公司开始实行[1]。

车牌识别使用图像处理软件分析图像捕捉车辆和定位提取车牌; 然后用光学字符识别(OCR)系统对车辆图像进行车牌字符识别。他们还利用在各种警察,军队和使用电子收费payper道路和交通的分类活动或个人。 LPR可以用来存储由相机拍摄的图像以及一些车牌字符和数字,并且存储驱动程序。 LPR系统使用红外照明或图像加工技术,让相机拍摄照片处理。




3,正常化和二值化:调整车牌图像的亮度和对比度,将车牌图像转换为合适 阈值的二进制图像。




这些算法的复杂性决定了车牌识别系统整体的精度。本文的其余部分安排如下:在第2节,提出有关工程在LPR的所有阶段与相关文献进行了系统的介绍和讨论。车牌预处理在第3节。车牌检测算法是 LPR的基础和初级阶段,在第4节详细讨论。 第5节是关于车牌倾斜检测校正。车牌字符识别在第6节,最后,实验结果提出在第7节。


各种关于LPR系统的研究和工程应用,如停车,安全的访问和控制机密地区,交通执法等可以在[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]看到。如今研究集中到在没有统一的室外光照条件下各种车牌格

式,在图像采集,如背景,光照,车辆的速度,相机之间的距离不同。因此,大多数的方法都有工作限制条件,如固定照明,有限车辆行驶速度,选择的路线,和固定的背景。上一节所述的车牌识别系统由四个主要阶段构成:捕捉车辆的形象,定位和提取的车牌,字符分割和正常化,光学字符识别。采集捕捉图像由相关硬件和摄像头完成。车牌定位和分割的LPR系统的重要阶段。由于各种光照条件和复杂的背景,以寻找车牌的地方应予以考虑。还有噪音,污染等可能会影响车牌的识别。关于定位识别车牌的许多研究基于边缘检测,遗传算法,神经网络等。大多数建议的方法对车牌的亮度敏感,有很多的处理并没有强大到足以在各种环境条件下发现车牌,独立地进行车牌识别 [7]。在这项研究中,计算车牌内的每一个字符,并考虑为下一代阶段特征提取和识别。车牌字符识别,已经出现了波斯语/阿拉伯语大量的光学字符识别技术。在本研究中一种新型的旋转不变泽尼克和小波矩的方法用于基地波斯语/阿拉伯语光学字符识别[8]。


本文是关于伊朗的一些样品车牌如图所示。 2。车牌图像在不同的照明情况下被捕获,其中包括白昼,午夜,阴影和扭曲的条件。伊朗的车牌被归类为个人,政府,公共服务和出租车,其中包括不同类型背景和前景。不同牌照的亮度可能会有所不同,因为车牌的位置和不同的照明环境。在预处理,应将车牌图像过滤将其转换为二进制格式。将图像转换为二进制完成全局和局部阈值。由于全局阈值在不同光照条件下不能总是产生满意的结果,所以合适的方法是局部阈值转换车牌为二进制格式的图像。在这种情况下,车牌图像分为M,N个子图像,然后每个子图像局部阈值转换为二进制。在这项研究中OTSU算法用于计算局部阈值[9],[10]。













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